Saturday, September 15, 2012

Preparing for Class

Once I received my letter from CCI inviting me to the September 2012 class, and after confirming my place in this class, I started preparing.

Again, this is just from my own personal experience from having had two other Hearing Dogs, and having gone through classes with both of them. I'm posting this in the hopes it may help others who may be going to a class for a Service Dog, whether at CCI or elsewhere.

I wanted the dog to come home to a peaceful, stress-free (as possible) environment, so there were several things I took care of before class.

I had the carpets cleaned after my last Hearing Dog was ill and had passed away. I got the carpets cleaned again, just before class, because I normally have them cleaned twice a year anyway in spring and autumn. I wasn't sure how a new dog would react to the noise of the carpet cleaning equipment so soon after coming home with me, especially since it's a Hearing Dog and may be more sensitive to sounds than the average dog.

I also had other small projects taken care of at home that required a handyman (thanks Al)! I bought two "racks" that are made to hold surge protectors, and Al hung them up for me. This got the surge protectors and computer cables off of the floor, giving the new dog more room if it wanted to be underneath my desk when I am working. It's also nice to be able to stretch my legs out now! Another plus is that air circulates around the surge protectors much better so it's cooler under the desk.

My mother and I went to the fabric store, and picked out a nice, thick dark blue corduroy material for the dog bed, and we had a local seamstress sew it up using the old cover from the bed as a template. This came out beautifully, and I think it will hold up a lot better than the original material which seemed a bit thin and flimsy.

CCI recommended that we not purchase anything for the dog, especially since we don't know the size of the dog, and I agree with that; however, I had already had this dog bed and my last dog really loved it, as it fits the space near my bed perfectly and is so nice and thick.

Just before leaving town for class, I did a lot of cooking and freezing, so I'd have meals ready to thaw once I was home. Class can be a lot of work and they teach you a lot of information, so by the time you get home, you're usually tired. I also did the autumn deep clean, so I wouldn't have to do it after I got home with my new partner.

I also took my car to the mechanic and had them look over everything to make sure it was in good shape, plus had some work done such as an oil change. I didn't want to risk anything going wrong during class especially when we are to take field trips as a class. 

If you're attending a class, please consider bringing comfortable clothes and shoes because you'll be active and working with dogs, and you want to be fully focused on class and learning. Also, layers are good, so if the weather changes quickly you'll be comfortable. 

I can't believe I leave tomorrow morning for class, and I'm a little nervous, but I know I'll be fine once I get on the road.

I am getting so excited about class, and having a new partner in crime! I know it will be a lot of work, but it should also be fun. I look forward to meeting new people and their new partners, and hopefully making some wonderful friends for lifetime.

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